If you’ve been injured in an auto accident in West Virginia, it’s important to seek help from experienced auto accident attorneys to know how much your accident claim is worth and get the compensation you deserve. Read on below to find out why choosing the right personal injury attorney matters, and what you can do to protect your rights and help your case if you’ve been involved in a car accident.

What to watch out for after a car accident

Under car accident law in West Virginia, you can only file an injury claim within a certain period because the evidence of a car crash, such as skid marks, can fade with time and affect your car accident case. Once the statute of limitations has passed, you’ll no longer be able to file a lawsuit for injury claims.

Also, insurance adjusters will often take statements from accident victims even before you’ve spoken to an accident attorney. An insurance adjuster may use leading questions to manipulate car accident victims into making inaccurate statements that can be used against you. If you’ve been involved in an automobile accident, make sure to contact a local injury attorney immediately.

What to do after an accident

auto accident attorneys Car crashes can be caused by distracted and negligent driving, such as texting-while-driving, drunk-driving, or speeding. Regardless of what caused the auto wreck, you should remember to take actions that will protect your health and your rights.

  • If you’ve been injured in a car accident, West Virginia accident law requires you to report the motor vehicle accident. Call the police and file a police accident report immediately. A law enforcement officer will complete the traffic crash report and collect evidence that may help prove your accident injury claim.
  • Contact a car accident lawyer as soon as possible. Don’t discuss the accident with anyone other than the police, your doctor, and your attorney. Giving a statement or signing anything without getting legal advice from an accident lawyer can hurt personal injury cases.
  • Collect the names, contact information, and insurance information of all parties involved in the vehicle accident. If possible, ask witnesses to give you a statement, and record it on your phone along with their contact information. Make sure to take photos of the vehicles and the scene of the accident before the cars are towed away.
  • If you suffered serious injuries, seek medical help as soon as possible. Delaying treatments for your auto accident injuries can cause the insurance company to reduce your insurance claim.

How auto accident attorneys help

If you sustained car accident injuries and want to file an accident lawsuit, hiring a reliable car accident attorney will greatly help your case. Here are some of the things a personal injury lawyer can do for car accident cases.

  • Investigate the car accident. Some auto accidents are simple, but others may be more complicated. Personal injury attorneys can investigate to find evidence in determining who is responsible for the accident and whether it was due to negligence, defective parts, or automobiles.
  • Handle the insurance claims process for you. Dealing with insurers can be a nightmare, especially if you’re not familiar with the insurance policy. By hiring personal injury lawyers, the insurer is less likely to violate your rights, delay your claims, or give you low-ball offers.
  • Negotiate a car accident settlement for you. Even if your insurance claim gets approved, the offer may not be a fair and reasonable amount right away. An auto accident lawyer can determine the value of your personal injury claim and negotiate a fair settlement.
  • Represent you in court. You may not be able to resolve an accident quickly through an insurance claim. In this case, you’ll have to file a personal injury suit to continue pursuing compensation. An auto accident attorney can handle the paperwork and administrative tasks in the legal process, so you’ll only need to go to court for the hearing or trial.

Hire a Wheeling Auto Accident Attorney

Were you injured in an accident in West Virginia and want to receive the personal injury settlement you deserve? Our experienced personal injury attorney at Ghaphery Law Offices, PPLC can handle your personal injury case and fight to get you paid. Call us today and get a free case evaluation!