Tips After a Car Accident

what to do after car accident

After an accident, we seem to be in a rush about everything we want to do. We want justice and legal actions as soon as possible. We want to take care of the responsibility of another driver’s negligence or just want someone else to take care of the expenses we’re facing. 

Accident victims suffer from pain and suffering. It’s safe to say that we’re all anxious about those things after a car crash.

Fortunately, this post provides some advice and strategies from our competent Wheeling personal injury attorneys at Ghaphery Law Offices PLLC, that could help you deal with the aftermath of an accident. As such, let’s explore the tips given below. But, let us first address some of the reasons and forms of car crashes.


Forms of Motor Vehicle Accidents

Right-angle Collisions

Most head-on collisions involve carelessness. These are deadly collisions.


Highway Construction Mishaps

Construction firms should avoid mishaps. Other drivers should be cautious in construction zones.


Intersectional Mishaps

Oftentimes, collisions at an intersection occur due to a motorist executing a negligent driving error. Interstate accidents may be more deadly due to high speeds.


Crash Rear-End

Rear-ended crashes are among the most prevalent types of whiplash.


Side-Impact Accidents

Side-impact incidents are common, especially at intersections. Depending on the position of the collision, they may cause more injuries.


Motor Vehicles Accident Causes

Events that cause automobile accidents include:


Distracted Driving

Distracted drivers are more prone to accidents. Distractions while driving include eating/drinking, speaking, combing/applying makeup, reading books/maps, using GPS, watching movies, and tuning radios, among others.



Texting drivers are removing their hands and eyes from the road. You are considerably more likely to get in a car accident if you are distracted by your cell phone.


Fatigue Driving

Sleep-deprived drivers are more prone to a car wreck. Rest allows the body to focus and respond quickly enough to prevent damage. Drowsy driving accidents are common and dangerous.


Drunken Driving

Driving under the influence of liquor and drugged driving are common causes of car accidents. A person’s cognition is impaired when they can’t drive. Drunk driving accidents cause havoc for victims and their families.



Drivers who exceed the speed limit typically lack the time needed to stop or avoid a collision. Speed limits exist to safeguard drivers and reduce accidents. People who break the speed limit are reckless.


Reckless Driving

Speeding, beating red lights, not yielding, weaving, bullying, competing, and other hazardous driving behaviors are examples. Reckless driving directly threatens other drivers and causes fatal crashes.


Following a Vehicle Crash: 6 Steps To Do


  1. Examine accident victims’ security.

After a car collision, everyone’s safety comes first. 

Actions to take:

  • Check serious injuries, if any.
  • Find a way out and put on your hazard lights.
  • Call 911 if there is a major accident, or someone is hurt. Even if the damage looks minimal, call the police.
  • Call the cops.
  • Set up lights to alert other drivers. Or flash your warning lights.
  • Stay until the officers let you go.


  1. Inform the other drivers

Fill out and exchange contact and insurance information with the other party. Write down any pertinent information, such as:

  1. Name and address
  2. Contact Information (phone number) 
  3. Name of company and policy number
  4. The number on a plate (license plate number)
  5. Vehicle Registration
  6. Color & Car model
  7. Scene of the accident

Avoid blaming the other driver or person at fault. An insurance adjuster will analyze the damaged vehicles/property, the information you provided, any parties involved in the accident, as well as the police report and any images from the scene to determine who is at fault.


  1. Call the police about the accident, even if it is a minor car accident.

Any mishap, no matter how slight, should be reported to the police. This is true if you are in a collision with an uninsured, unlicensed, or uninsured motorist.

While driving without insurance is unlawful in West Virginia, many drivers do so either because they believe it is legal or because they cannot afford it.


  1. Collect evidence (witnesses, pictures)

If you’re in a car accident, be calm and gather as much evidence as you can. Photograph the accident location and surroundings.

If possible, take photos of the wrecked car and any injuries sustained by anybody involved in the crash.

People are their terrible enemies when it comes to automobile accidents. Therefore you don’t want to leave one without reporting or recording it.


  1. Notify your auto insurance company

Many drivers involved in a vehicle accident neglect to notify their insurer. While state regulations vary, most require you to report the collision to your insurance carrier.

In general, tell your insurance if you are in a car accident if your vehicle is damaged. Even if no one is hurt, the other motorist may sue you for damages.

In such instances, you must notify your insurer immediately to avoid insurance claims.


  1. Hire an automobile accident lawyer.

Don’t touch anything or sign anything until you’ve spoken to a lawyer. You won’t be sorry. Even if the car accident was someone else’s fault, things don’t always go easily.

After an automobile accident, you should see a car accident lawyer. Unlike the insurance company, your accident lawyer will fight to get you the compensation you deserve. A trained personal injury lawyer can help you through the process.

To maximize your financial recompense for your injuries (through a personal injury lawsuit or insurance company conversations), a personal injury law firm can assist you in negotiating an accident settlement and lowering medical bills.

Continue reading to learn about: What are the filing deadlines for car crashes?


4 Motor Vehicle Accidents Mistakes to Avoid


  1. Neglecting medical emergencies.

Take medical attention right away, even if you feel OK. Serious injuries caused by an accident may be hidden by adrenaline, so seek immediate medical assistance. If you’ve been injured, be checked out before suing for compensation.

If your doctor prescribes medicine, get it promptly. Also, follow your doctor’s advice and attend all follow-up appointments and treatments. If you don’t follow your doctor’s orders, the insurance company may think you’re not as hurt as you say.

Frequent injuries and consequences of car accidents are:

  • brain injuries ( Traumatic brain)
  • head injuries
  • bodily injury
  • spinal cord injury
  • back injury
  • Whiplash (soft tissue)
  • burns
  • damage to internal organ/s
  • anxiety and depression
  • Wrongful death

Inform your doctor of any prior injuries or illnesses. Your doctor will be able to assess the event’s effect on your pre-existing injury. It may be argued by the insurance company that your injury was pre-existing and not aggravated by the occurrence.


  1. Not being prepared when the insurer calls.

The at-fault party’s insurance may attempt to videotape you. Also, they may utilize your remarks to undermine your claim.


  1. Avoiding follow-up care.

Insurance companies closely monitor your post-accident medical treatment. If your medical care is inconsistent, bad, or with the wrong doctors, or if they can’t credibly relate your injuries to the incident, you may have major health difficulties.


  1. Letting the insurance company handle the case.

It’s common. Clients that depend on insurance to do right by them like this practice. Restricting payments benefit insurers. Their tastes are different!

Delay does irreparable damage to claims by neglecting to retain evidence, saying things to an adjuster that are subsequently used against them, or committing any of the other mistakes stated. Less loss means less money for the insurance company.

An accident lawyer can help you avoid many of these mistakes. We see it often. No one will defend your rights like a car accident injury lawyer!


Key message: Contact a WHEELING CAR ACCIDENT LAWYER straight away to protect your legal rights!


Again, if you are involved in a car accident, take the time to step back and consider your best course of action. Prevent emotional outbursts and rash judgments that you may regret later.

Meditate on what happened, absorb the situation, and ask yourself what you should do next. You’ll want to seek help from an experienced attorney as soon as possible to protect your rights. Get a free consultation now!

Remember, the earlier you contact an auto accident at Ghaphery Law Offices, PLLC,  following your accident, the better!